User Guide


Add tasks

You can add tasks of type Todo (which only has a description) Deadline (with a single date-time group as the deadline), or Event (with two date-time groups as the start/end instants respectively), using the todo, deadline, and event commands respectively.

List tasks

You can list tasks using the command list.

Delete tasks

You can delete previously-added tasks using the delete command.

Find task

You can find tasks using keywords, with the find command.

File output

The task file is saved as a .csv for easy viewing in Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs.


todo <what is to be done> — Creates a To-Do

Creates a To-Do, set by default as incomplete.

deadline <what is due> </by | /at> <due date/time> — Creates a Deadline

Creates a Deadline, set by default as incomplete, with the due date/time as given. Some natural date-time groups are accepted (but some are still buggy):

Example use:

event <event name> /from <start instant> /to <end instant> — Creates an Event from start instant to end instant

As for Deadlines, natural dates/times are accepted, and the same bugs apply.


Lists all the tasks.

find <keyword> — Finds tasks

Finds all tasks that have a detail which contain keyword.

Example of usage: find book

delete <task number>

Deletes the task at the given number.